By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thank you for all of the prayers. On Monday, 12/7 Kendra will be moving from our house to Third Way, a residential treatment facility specializing in independent living skills and intensive mental health therapy. Kendra has gone through several stages this past week, from accepting this placement to fighting it and trying to be placed elsewhere. From understanding that it will give her the best chance for success to thinking we don't love her and just want to get rid of her. We respond with the fact that sometimes a parent's job is to do what they see as best for their child long term despite her initial opinion that we are hurtful and mean. I believe it may be a "wait and see what happens" scenario on Monday. We are just praying that God is able to show her how truth and healing can impact her life right now and she obtain the end results she desires.

In the end, Kendra has to choose - what do I want, and what am I willing to do in order to get it?
Hopefully Kendra can find the will to choose change. We will continue to send updates on this journey. Our adoption agency has been notified that we are open to another fost-adopt placement (likely a younger girl this time). We will continue to support Kendra as her family as she progresses through Third Way and we hope that on the other end she can successfully make the choices necessary to be a part of our family.

We expect that Kendra will come home for a few days to celebrate Christmas with our family. My mom gave Kendra her hand-knit family stocking last night to hang on the mantle with the rest of ours. We are looking forward to the holiday and celebrating the hope a tiny baby brought to into our lives.

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